Hours of driving through nature was repetitive and driving through the small poor looking towns was depressing. Out of nowhere a city, Shan Xi (?) appreared. Again I am going to make the comparison to what I imagine Las Vegas is like. A city of lights appearing out of nowehere. The back of the bus was loudly voicing their craving for McDonalds and KFC. I tried to ignore them for my sanity.
After a mediocre dinner we ran through the train station to catch the overnight train to Xi’an. The train had bunks 3 rows high. Each little compartment had six bunks. I got the middle which ended up being perfect as the fan hit me and I didn’t have to climb as high. I slept better than I did for most of the trip and had a blast hanging out. It was like a slumber party. Dave slept under me, Connie above me, and Wensess across from me. We got in trouble for watching a movie and were told to go to bed by the guards on the train. I called them the fun/safety/curfew police.
I awoke at 5:30 a.m. to watch the sunrise over the Yellow River but I missed it. Back to bed after some loud conversation that pissed off the car next to us (our friends).
I had a nightmare about none of us being friends after China. I woke up to see Edek and Wensness and was relieved I was still here.
Joe and Erlinda were up all night. Apparently doctors in the dining cars bought them drinks. Of course Joe gets free drinks.
I tried to get cold nio ni (milk) this mornig but it ended up being hot yougurt. Ugh. All beverafges are hot here including organge juice.
At 8 a.m. we arrived in Xi’an. A Chinese man, Richard, greeted us waving an American flag. He is our tour guide and it very funny. We got to the hotel WHICH IS SO NICE! and had another mediocre breakfast. Anne and I are sharing a room. We got to shower which was thrilling. I washed my feet and realized that I lost my socks somewhere along my travels. We saw a Walmart down the street so I can get more. After showering we went for a bike ride on the city wall.
I thought it would be a short ride. It was 7.8 miles or about 13.2 km. I went through 3 bikes-the first one had a broken kickstand, the second one had first a chain that fell off and then a broken chain, and the third one also had a broken kickstand. I still had fun, though I think I am out of shape. THe wall had a lot of ruts and I am amazed I didn’t fall. I ekpt thinking how awful it would be to break a leg in China. I would have to go home-almost nothing is wheelchair accessible here.
Lunch sucked, so Annie and I left early and went to Carrefour. She was in search of American beer and I was in search for cheese.
I feel like the people here think I am always on the seach for cheese.
I ended up just getting Cheetos (which were awful) Oreos, Herhsey Kisses, and gum due to time constrants.
Afterward was a lecture by a woman who ran an NGO for women. It was fairly interesting but Diana asked so many questions that it wnet on for too long.
I tried to get internet and paid for it, but the connection was awful for me. I had 5 different people come, but it dindt work. Also, blogspot can’t be reached by any of us in Xi’an, so no updates for awhile. You’ll all get these at once.
Dinner and the night was on our own. Joe, Tom, Kristin, Diana, Anne, Grace, Keith and I went to a restaurant promising “steak beer pizza” as they were all sick of Chiense food. I’ll never get sick of it, but I just went along. I had okay pizza and a long island ice tea. We sat there for hours and talked about all sorts of things. Tom amazes me with his knowledge about politics-boht American and internatonal. They disucssesd China vs. US and the rest of the world and I just sat in awe with nothing intelligent to contribute.
It made me question a lot of thoughts I had/have about Chinese govt and the people and I realized I need to take a lot of classes so I can have a bigger understanding of what is happening. We discussed swine flu and how we are being banned from another school tomorrow. Lighter topics included surrogate mothers, adoption, tv shows, and random topics.
Afterward on the walk home we wlked into a club for about 10 minutes. It felt like the future. LOUD crazy music, flashing lights, waiters in weird uniforms. I felt like I was on Mars. We left.
I walked into McDonalds to take pictures for my paper. I also got another hot fudge sundae. Tomorrow are the terracotta warriors! So famous. Google them if you don’t know.
Xi’an is interesting. It’s crowded and crazy where we are staying which apprears to be the center of town. I’m not sure if its touristy yet but there are a lot of Westernsers here. I need to explore more, but it made a good first impression. Good enough for a second date.
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