Tuesday, June 9, 2009

Sitting in the Singapore airport

1. Free wireless
2. Massage and manicure place
3. Pool?!!

So cool. Not enough time.

I wish i Had a layover here instead of Kuala Lumpur
But in KL they have a chocolate cafe that I found last time where I met Mark- a helpful and cute Singaporeon with an Australian accent
who thought that I was Australian too. I wish I had that accent.

I will indulge
with the 2 hours I have
while getting stared at for being
1. white
2. a female
3. a female traveling alone
4. a female who is not wearing enough clothing for the taste of the Muslim men who watch me and judge me

An Asian woman in a cowgirl hat is staring at me. I am tempted to tell her I am from the land of cowboys and native americans. How P.C of me to say native americans and not indians. But now a real Indian man is next to me, so it would be unwise of me to say Indian.

Singapore is a mishmash of cultures.
I wish I had time for a manicure. My nails are a hot mess.

Last night Cherise (my 5 year old cousin) sat on my lap and told me my legs were too spiky and it hurt. I tried to explain that while travelign shaving my legs was a low priority. She didn't care-she was grossed out.

I have really let myself go on this trip. I should shave before I come home.

Mom-you may not recognize me at the airport. I'll be the hairy, significantly heavier than before, hunchbacked girl carrying a GIANT orange suitcase.


PS-my overweight charges were more than my airline ticket. You all better appreciate all the gits.
I threw out almost all my clothes and all but one pair of underwear. Only dresses and jeans remain.

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