Monday, June 8, 2009

Old Post from Shanghai

Ni hao everyone

I haven't had internet in awhile and my blog has been blocked by the government lately so I have been MIA basically.

I am currently in Shanghai-by far the most international city I have ever been to and has made my top cities list for sure. New York still and probably always will hold the special place as number one, but Shanghai is high up there-I am still struggling with if it beats Paris. I also clearly have strong loyalty to Philadelphia. I hope I have an easier time picking my favorite child than city.

I got home late last night from the club called Babyface. I-the girl who usually prefers to stay in sweatpants and read instead of going to parties-has found that she actually enjoys going out to clubs at times. This being said, I still like sweatpants and quiet more than loud parties. True to my "let's just stay in" self, I can only stay out for about an hour or two before the loud music and strobe lights get to me. I'm an old woman. The smoke here is killing me-people can smoke anywhere: clubs, restaurants, the train, the bathroom. I am wheezing often. People were exhausted last night so only this guy Joe and I went but made some old man Indian friends. The Chinese are awful dancers and I have tons of rhythm in comparison. Go ahead and laugh, but it's true.

I am also interning at a private Chinese kindergarten run by an awesome ex-pat. It's a whole school of 220 kids from ages 18 months to 7 years. I take 2 subways to work in the morning, teach English for 2 hours and enjoy every moment of it. International school teacher is looking a likely career for me.

Things are still crazily cheap, though MUCH more expensive than the rest of China. Today I am going to go get jeans custom made for me for 18 dollars. SInce I can never find jeans that fit right this seems reasonable. I can also get dresses made for the same price. My guy friends are all getting suits. We should have done a pre-prom trip.
Also they sell full DVD box series here for about 5 dollars and movies for less than 1. I got things that are in theatres and about 3 seasons of different shows. If I get caught I get a 10k fine. WIsh we luck.

Kyle called me and told me about Shawn English. Though I never spoke to him, Eric has been constantly in my thoughts. If anyone is going to the funeral PLEASE send my condolences. I sent an email as it's all I can do at the moment.

Hope all is well with you all!
ENJOY your summer, I will be back in a little over 2 weeks-tenatively.


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